Wiedza i Praktyka Publishing - How market needs are changing in the way sales conversations are conducted.

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Many years of cooperation with a client from the publishing industry show us how the contact centre services market is changing. Today, the most important thing is the specialisation of the cc, the knowledge of the industry, the specifics of the target markets, the current legal changes and the mood around this.

It used to be that in conducting sales conversations, it was important to structure the conversation in a way that relied heavily on a needs survey. Today, we know that we don't have time for long conversations - we need specifics.

A well-conducted sales call is characterised by knowledge of the above elements without the need to ask unnecessary questions of the potential customer. The customer must have the feeling that the person calling him is well versed in his work, knows the market and is an equal conversation partner. This leads to the customer gaining confidence in us and thus trusting the products we offer. The use of this experience and consequently the skilful selection and preparation of the team has always resulted in the best sales results of all the partners involved in the acquisition process.

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